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XS™ Récupération après l’entraînement – Limonade à la cerise


XS™ Récupération après l’entraînement – Limonade à la cerise

65,00 $
130 Points AmPerks
Limite de commande 1 - Les quantités achetées sont limitées. Merci de votre compréhension.
FAVORISE LA RÉCUPÉRATION MUSCULAIRE – Aide à reconstituer le glycogène musculaire pour favoriser la récupération musculaire. Créée avec un mélange de glucosamine et de curcuma approuvé par NutriliteMC pour soutenir la santé des articulations.
  • Sans gluten
  • Sans produits laitiers
  • Sans caféine
  • Non OGM
  • Sans saveurs, colorants ou agents de conservation artificiels
  • Amway Promise™
  • Sans lactose

Valeur nutritive

Quantité par portionValeur quotidienne (%)*
Glucides totaux18 g6 %
Sucres2 g
Protéines0 g
Sodium100 mg4 %


Chlorhydrate de glucosamine (chlorhydrate 2-amino-2-déoxy-bêta-D-glucopyranose, chlorhydrate de glucosamine, crabe et crevette - exosquelette) 1 500 mg

Maltodextrine 11,8 g

Amidon de maïs cireux (Zea mays, grain) 3000 mg

L-Leucine (Anas falcate, plume) 500 mg

L-Isoleucine 250 mg

L-Valine 250 mg

Magnésium (citrate de magnésium) 20 mg

Cerise des Antilles (Malpighia emarginata, fruit) 60 mg (20 % de vitamine C, 17 : 1, QBE 1 020 mg)

Glucose (D-glucose, glucose, Zea mays, fruit) 600 mg

D-Fructose 650 mg

INGRÉDIENTS NON MÉDICINAUX : Hypromellose, monohydrate de citrate de potassium, acide citrique anhydre, saveur de citron, saveur de cerise, amidon de riz, amidon alimentaire modifié, poudre de jus de cerise Morello, chlorure de sodium, feuille de Stevia rebaudiana, rouge de betterave, curcumine, dioxyde de silicium colloïdal, lécithine.

* Les formules américaines et canadiennes des produits sont les mêmes. Cependant, pour respecter le Règlement canadien sur les produits de santé naturels, la valeur nutritive est présentée différemment sur l’emballage canadien.


  • Haute efficacité

Pourquoi ai-je besoin d’un produit d’après entraînement?

Votre organisme brûle des glycogènes (sucres) lors de vos entraînements. Il s’agit du carburant de votre corps. Regarnir vos stocks de glycogènes à l’aide de glucides de haute qualité aide votre corps à récupérer. Le produit Récupération après l’entraînement XSMC aide également votre corps à se réhydrater en renouvelant les électrolytes. Son mélange de curcuma, de glucosamine (pour favoriser la santé des articulations) et de cerises acérola, approuvé par Nutrilite, constitue une formule de haute performance qui vous permet de replonger dans l’action.

Le produit Récupération après l’entraînement XSMC est-il certifié Informed Choice?

Oui. Ce produit a obtenu la certification Informed Choice de LGC, un laboratoire de recherche et de contrôle antidopage sportif de renommée mondiale, et un programme de premier plan d’assurance de qualité des substances interdites pour les produits de nutrition sportive. Son processus rigoureux de certification teste les produits pour une gamme de substances qui figurent sur la Liste des interdictions de l’Agence mondiale antidopage, ainsi que sur les listes des organisations sportives professionnelles.

Ce produit contient-il des OGM?

Non, ce produit ne contient pas d’ingrédients génétiquement modifiés.

Dose recommandée : Adultes : 1 mesure (23 g) par jour. Bien mélanger 1 mesure dans 250 à 500 ml (1 à 2 tasses) de liquide (eau, jus, etc.) immédiatement avant la consommation.


#ConseilDeProXS Récupération après l'entraînement XSMC – Nate Dary

Glycogène nécessaire

Nate Dary – Entraîneur personnel certifié

#ConseilDeProXS Récupération après l'entraînement XSMC – Nicole Lewis

Un indispensable pour la mobilité

Nicole Lewis – Photographe du quotidien

#ConseilDeProXS Récupération après l'entraînement XSMC – Nate Dary

Glycogène nécessaire

Nate Dary – Entraîneur personnel certifié

#ConseilDeProXS Récupération après l'entraînement XSMC – Nicole Lewis

Un indispensable pour la mobilité

Nicole Lewis – Photographe du quotidien

#ConseilDeProXS Récupération après l'entraînement XSMC – Nate Dary

Glycogène nécessaire

Nate Dary – Entraîneur personnel certifié

#ConseilDeProXS Récupération après l'entraînement XSMC – Nicole Lewis

Un indispensable pour la mobilité

Nicole Lewis – Photographe du quotidien


A holistic approach to wellness

Occasional stress during the day and the quality of our sleep at night are intertwined, playing an important role in our overall health and wellbeing. Occasional stress can lead to increased stress signals in our body, which may interrupt sleep. Not getting enough quality sleep can lead to occasional stress, creating a vicious cycle. Incorporating products like those in the Sleep + Stress Solution into your daily routine is a good way to address both of these aspects of wellbeing.

†This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Sleep and stress

Occasional stress can negatively impact the quality of your sleep, just as suboptimal sleep can lead to occasional stress on the following day. Keeping occasional stress in check and getting good sleep go hand in hand to keep you feeling your best.

Stress’s impact on sleep

Occasional stress is a natural part of life, and can be helpful in moderation in its ability to wake, sustain and motivate. However, occasional stress can also have an impact on your wellbeing and sleep cycle. Specifically, it can make it hard to relax and wind down at bedtime, interrupting sleep cycles.

Sleep’s impact on stress

Successfully cycling through all the stages of sleep multiple times each night with minimal wakefulness allows sleep to perform the critical function of restoring our bodies and minds. During sleep, the body and mind go through restorative processes including natural physical recovery and processing memories and emotions. Good sleep can help you regulate your emotions and improve cognitive skills like learning and attention. Still, even one night of suboptimal sleep can have consequences on your performance the next day and your stress response.

Stress’s impact on sleep

Occasional stress is a natural part of life, and can be helpful in moderation in its ability to wake, sustain and motivate. However, occasional stress can also have an impact on your wellbeing and sleep cycle. Specifically, it can make it hard to relax and wind down at bedtime, interrupting sleep cycles.

Sleep’s impact on stress

Successfully cycling through all the stages of sleep multiple times each night with minimal wakefulness allows sleep to perform the critical function of restoring our bodies and minds. During sleep, the body and mind go through restorative processes including natural physical recovery and processing memories and emotions. Good sleep can help you regulate your emotions and improve cognitive skills like learning and attention. Still, even one night of suboptimal sleep can have consequences on your performance the next day and your stress response.

Stress’s impact on sleep

Occasional stress is a natural part of life, and can be helpful in moderation in its ability to wake, sustain and motivate. However, occasional stress can also have an impact on your wellbeing and sleep cycle. Specifically, it can make it hard to relax and wind down at bedtime, interrupting sleep cycles.

Sleep’s impact on stress

Successfully cycling through all the stages of sleep multiple times each night with minimal wakefulness allows sleep to perform the critical function of restoring our bodies and minds. During sleep, the body and mind go through restorative processes including natural physical recovery and processing memories and emotions. Good sleep can help you regulate your emotions and improve cognitive skills like learning and attention. Still, even one night of suboptimal sleep can have consequences on your performance the next day and your stress response.

Develop a healthy routine

Promote good sleep and help reduce occasional stress with a routine that supports your body throughout the day.

Morning: Prepare for the day ahead

Take one capsule of Nutrilite Organics Ashwagandha and one capsule of Nutrilite Stress Relief Probiotic to support your body’s response to occasional stress.†

Afternoon: Take a break

Sip on a warm mug of Nutrilite Organics Chamomile Tea to take your mind off of the stressors of the day.

Night: Settle in for a good night’s sleep

Apply the Artistry Skin Nutrition Sleeping Mask as the last step in your nighttime skin care routine, then take one capsule of Nutrilite Organics Ashwagandha and one serving of n* by Nutrilite Sweet Dreams Gummies to help promote good sleep.†

Morning: Prepare for the day ahead

Take one capsule of Nutrilite Organics Ashwagandha and one capsule of Nutrilite Stress Relief Probiotic to support your body’s response to occasional stress.†

Afternoon: Take a break

Sip on a warm mug of Nutrilite Organics Chamomile Tea to take your mind off of the stressors of the day.

Night: Settle in for a good night’s sleep

Apply the Artistry Skin Nutrition Sleeping Mask as the last step in your nighttime skin care routine, then take one capsule of Nutrilite Organics Ashwagandha and one serving of n* by Nutrilite Sweet Dreams Gummies to help promote good sleep.†

Morning: Prepare for the day ahead

Take one capsule of Nutrilite Organics Ashwagandha and one capsule of Nutrilite Stress Relief Probiotic to support your body’s response to occasional stress.†

Afternoon: Take a break

Sip on a warm mug of Nutrilite Organics Chamomile Tea to take your mind off of the stressors of the day.

Night: Settle in for a good night’s sleep

Apply the Artistry Skin Nutrition Sleeping Mask as the last step in your nighttime skin care routine, then take one capsule of Nutrilite Organics Ashwagandha and one serving of n* by Nutrilite Sweet Dreams Gummies to help promote good sleep.†

†This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Support for your customers’ top needs.

Not sure which Solution is right for your customers? Visit the Solutions landing page to see all Solutions and use it as a guide with your customers to determine which product combinations are the best fit for their needs. Before long, they’ll be repeatedly purchasing to keep up their routine and you’ll be seeing the benefits of consistent VCS!

Support for your customers’ top needs.

Not sure which Solution is right for your customers? Visit the Solutions landing page to see all Solutions and use it as a guide with your customers to determine which product combinations are the best fit for their needs. Before long, they’ll be repeatedly purchasing to keep up their routine and you’ll be seeing the benefits of consistent VCS!

Support for your customers’ top needs.

Not sure which Solution is right for your customers? Visit the Solutions landing page to see all Solutions and use it as a guide with your customers to determine which product combinations are the best fit for their needs. Before long, they’ll be repeatedly purchasing to keep up their routine and you’ll be seeing the benefits of consistent VCS!